Pet Guides

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What To Do If Your Pet Eats Something Poisonous

What To Do If Your Pet Eats Something Poisonous

by Kelsey Richards Please call poison control or your local emergency vet if your pet has ingested anything poisonous. POISON CONTROL- 888-426-4435 If you're a pet owner, you've probably dealt with your furry friend getting into something they...

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Pet Insurance: The Ultimate Guide

Pet Insurance: The Ultimate Guide

The idea of having to euthanize your pet because you can't afford vet expenses is heartbreaking and, sadly, happens too often to many people. Fortunately, there are payment alternatives that can save your pet when they get ill or if an emergency...

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Dental Cleanings: What to Expect

Dental Cleanings: What to Expect

Like humans, your pets are susceptible to oral disease, plaque and tartar build up, and loose teeth. It is quite common, and pets don't always show obvious signs to you. Animals have the great ability to hide their pain, and sometimes pet owners...

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