Can you believe that Kobe Bryant’s death was less than 6 months ago? His tragic passing hit me really hard. I grew up a die-hard Lakers fan brought along by my dad in the era of the Showtime Lakers. My oldest son Flynn latched on to basketball early on, and Kobe became his favorite player. We were lucky to be at his final game! That fateful Sunday in January gave me the feeling that the world had shifted just a tiny bit off of its axis, and while I’m not superstitious in that way, it sure was a start to a very strange and challenging year for us.

Anyway, as we trudge along in this new evolving “normal”, nothing seems normal now aside from the massive increase in family togetherness, home-cooked meals, and finding unique ways to stay active and entertained. All the while, everything including the very definitions of freedom and equal rights for all citizens is being reassessed and refined. I will say it again: Oh what a time to be alive!

Many of you have found your way to Alicia Pet Care Center during our adapted Covid-19 style of pet care but for those who have yet to come on down, we are ready for you. We have been getting better at providing curbside service and have been successful at both achieving our goal of providing some of the best pet care in the area while protecting our staff and our clients against infection. Things are not going to change anytime soon for our low-touch service.

We acted early and decisively with our pivot to our curbside approach to pet care. While it’s not the same and we do miss the face-to-face interactions with you, it is working to get our patients what they need while keeping everyone safe. Things will return to normal eventually. Right? We do believe that and yearn for our beautiful lobby to be full of our client family and the furry ones that we all love and support. Despite the noise out there, science still dictates what we do and we see no better way to pull it all off at this time.

We wanted to again express our thankfulness for the loyalty and support of your local, family-owned, essential business. The patience and gratitude expressed to us by our clients while operating in this environment have filled our cup and pushes us every day to get back in the saddle. Your encouragement has inspired us via the kind words, thoughtful notes, and positive online reviews we have received during this time. We will keep at it and with your partnership, we know that we can improve the world one pet at a time.

As we look a little further down the road, we see conflicting signs. Our adaptation to the life of mitigating the spread of disease during the pandemic will get easier. For some, the economic climate is going to be very challenging. We feel very compelled to remind those of you that do not yet have pet insurance that you need to do some serious thinking about that safety net. Challenged pet parents have been starting to show up with sick pets that do not have the needed financial support which makes for very challenging and sometimes sad decisions to be made. We really don’t want this to happen to you. Please consider getting your pet insured now to avoid a situation when your pet is looking for proper help and limitations stand in the way of care. (See the links below.)

We wish you all strength, resolve, and peace in these difficult times. We hope to get through this rough time and will continue to strive to smooth out the extra speed bumps that come your way in the form of a sick pet. You can trust us to provide a results-oriented style of pet care and a team of dedicated individuals that have truly put themselves through a lot to be here for you. Thank you for allowing us to “take care of your babies!”

Matthew Wheaton D.V.M
Owner, Chief of Staff

Pet Insurance

Our highest recommended pet insurance company is Nationwide, based on our clients’ experiences. There are many options to consider. Peruse your options at

About The Author

Dr. Matthew Wheaton, Owner & Chief of Staff | I was born in Newport Beach and raised in Laguna Beach with 7 brothers and sisters and a constant crew of pets. My Dad owned Corona Del Mar Animal Hospital for about 25 years then took a break of about 5 years before opening Aliso Beach Animal Clinic in South Laguna. I ended up following my father’s footsteps in more ways than one. After just 3 years of undergraduate work, at my Dad’s alma mater, UC Davis, my application for veterinary school was accepted, making me one of the 5 youngest members of my class.

Learn more about Dr. Wheaton on the “Meet Our Doctors” page.